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English books - Fiction War Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption

War - Hillenbrand Laura  - Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption
ფასი: 33.00 ლარი
კატეგორია: War
გამომცემლობა: Random House
ავტორი: Hillenbrand Laura
გვერდები: 520
გარეკანი: რბილი
ენა: ინგლისური
გამოშვების წელი: 2010
ხელმისაწვდომი: არის
ფორმატი: 14X21
აისბიენი/აიდი: 9781400064168
ანოტაცია: On a May afternoon in 1943, an Army Air Forces bomber crashed into the Pacific Ocean and disappeared, leaving only a spray of debris and a slick of oil, gasoline, and blood. Then, on the ocean surface, a face appeared. It was that of a young lieutenant, the plane's bombardier, who was struggling to a life raft and pulling himself aboard. So began one of the most extraordinary odysseys of the Second World War.

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