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English books - Non-fiction Psychology Man's Search for Meaning

Psychology - Frankl Viktor E. - Man's Search for Meaning
ფასი: 19.00 15.20 ლარი
კატეგორია: Psychology
გამომცემლობა: Beacon Press
ავტორი: Frankl Viktor E.
გვერდები: 180
გარეკანი: მაგარი+სუპერი
ენა: ინგლისური
გამოშვების წელი: 2014
ხელმისაწვდომი: არის
ფორმატი: 14X22
სერია: Psychology-Philosophy-History-Self Help-Memoir-Biography-Classics-Spirituality-Holocaust
აისბიენი/აიდი: 9780807060100
ანოტაცია: Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl's memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival. Based on his own experience and the stories of his patients, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it, and move forward with renewed purpose. At the heart of his theory, known as logotherapy, is a conviction that the primary human drive is not pleasure but the pursuit of what

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