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English books - Non-fiction Business/economics The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You

Business/economics - Zhuo Julie - The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You
ფასი: 17.00 ლარი
კატეგორია: Business/economics
გამომცემლობა: PORTFOLIO
ავტორი: Zhuo Julie
გვერდები: 276
გარეკანი: რბილი
ენა: ინგლისური
გამოშვების წელი: 2019
ხელმისაწვდომი: არის
ფორმატი: 13X20.5
სერია: Full Text-Nonfiction-Business
აისბიენი/აიდი: 9780735219564
ანოტაცია: Instant Wall Street Journal Bestseller! Congratulations, you're a manager! After you pop the champagne, accept the shiny new title, and step into this thrilling next chapter of your career, the truth descends like a fog: you don't really know what you're doing. That's exactly how Julie Zhuo felt when she became a rookie manager at the age of 25. She stared at a long list of logistics--from hiring to firing, from meeting to messaging, from planning to pitching--and faced a thousand questions ....

მსგავსი წიგნები

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