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English books - Fiction Young Adult; Adult; Teen Caraval (Caraval Series #1)

Young Adult; Adult; Teen - Garber Stephanie - Caraval (Caraval Series #1)
ფასი: 29.00 ლარი
კატეგორია: Young Adult; Adult; Teen
გამომცემლობა: Hodder & Stoughton
ავტორი: Garber Stephanie
გვერდები: 405
გარეკანი: რბილი
ენა: ინგლისური
გამოშვების წელი: 2017
ხელმისაწვდომი: არის
ფორმატი: 13X20.5
სერია: Caraval Series
აისბიენი/აიდი: 9781473629165
ანოტაცია: WELCOME TO CARAVAL, WHERE NOTHING IS QUITE WHAT IT SEEMS . . .Scarlett has never left the tiny isle of Trisda, pining from afar for the wonder of Caraval, a once-a-year week-long performance where the audience participates in the show. Caraval is Magic. Mystery. Adventure. And for Scarlett and her beloved sister Tella it represents freedom and an escape from their ruthless, abusive father. When the sisters' long-awaited invitations to Caraval finally arrive, it seems their dreams have come true.

მსგავსი წიგნები

Finale (Caraval Series #3) 13+ Twisted Hate (Twisted #3) Where The Crawdads Sing Finding Chika: A Little Girl, an Earthquake, and The Making of Family Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices Book 1) The Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air Series #3) The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage (Book of Dust-Book 1) Once Upon a Broken Heart (Once Upon a Broken Heart, #1) Remarkably Bright Creatures


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