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English books - Fiction Comic book / Comics Diary of a Wimpy Kid 9: Long Haul (For ages 9+)

Comic book / Comics - Kinney Jeff  - Diary of a Wimpy Kid 9: Long Haul (For ages 9+)
ფასი: 11.95 ლარი
კატეგორია: Comic book / Comics
გამომცემლობა: Puffin Books
ავტორი: Kinney Jeff
გვერდები: 217
გარეკანი: რბილი
ენა: ინგლისური
გამოშვების წელი: 2016
ხელმისაწვდომი: არის
ფორმატი: 12.5x20
სერია: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
აისბიენი/აიდი: 9780141354224
ანოტაცია: A family road trip is supposed to be a lot of fun . . . unless, of course, youre the Heffleys. The journey starts off full of promise, then quickly takes several wrong turns. Gas station bathrooms, crazed seagulls, a fender bender, and a runaway pig--not exactly Greg Heffleys idea of a good time. But even the worst road trip can turn into an adventure--and this is one the Heffleys wont soon forget. Wimpy Kid series.

მსგავსი წიგნები

Captain Underpants 6: The Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy Part One Captain Underpants 10: the Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo-Boxers Tintin: Explorers on the Moon #17 Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules Captain Underpants 9: the Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers The Adventures of Captain Underpants: 25th Anniversary Edition: #1 Dog Man #3: A Tale of Two Kitties Tintin: Cigars of the Pharaoh #4 Diary of a Wimpy Kid #13: Meltdown


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