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English books - Fiction Fantasy Mortality Doctrine

Fantasy - Dashner James - Mortality Doctrine
ფასი: 15.00 ლარი
კატეგორია: Fantasy
გამომცემლობა: Random House LCC US
ავტორი: Dashner James
გვერდები: 337
გარეკანი: რბილი
ენა: ინგლისური
გამოშვების წელი: 2015
ხელმისაწვდომი: არის
ფორმატი: 13.5X20.5
სერია: Mortality Doctrine (Full Text-Fiction-Dystopia)
აისბიენი/აიდი: 9781101934333
ანოტაცია: Michael used to live to game, but the games he was playing have become all too real. Only weeks ago, sinking into the Sleep was fun. The VirtNet combined the most cutting-edge technology and the most sophisticated gaming for a full mind-body experience. And it was Michael’s passion. But now every time Michael sinks, he risks his life.

მსგავსი წიგნები

Dune (Dune #1) The Little Prince A Map of Days (Miss Peregrine's Book 4) The Twits Divine Rivals (Letters of Enchantment #1) Tales from the Cafe (Before the Coffee Gets Cold #2) Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis / The Vampire Chronicles Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone #1 (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone #1) A Court of Frost and Starlight #3.5


წიგნები ყველა ასაკისთვის

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